March 20, 2011

You're Not Hallucinating. It's a Dead Beaver.

I'm only just now figuring out all the cool things my camera can do. I've had it for ages and I'm still learning new things. Along with this, I've been eyeballing a lot of black and white photos-- and a lot of stylized images-- like Sam Jones and Annie Leibovitz. I figured I should try my hand at it. I mean, geez, the last time I did black and white photos was for an assignment in my first and only photography class when I was 17 at a community college.

I convinced my friend, Erin, to meet me the next morning so that I could try this new idea.

I was really excited about this new ground that I was discovering. I felt like Columbus. It was like Christmas-- the idea of sleeping seemed preposterous, but I knew I had to if Santa was going to come down the chimney.

Although this experiment excited me, I was a little nervous. I love color so much. That's one of my favorite things about taking pictures-- and a main reason why I take them. So, at first, I was a little apprehensive about abandoning something I loved so much. But that's what this session was all about-- learning something new.

Taking pictures on a Sunday morning is magical.

I started shooting in sepia. But... there's something about sepia that I don't like. It's seems... so... hipster. You know? I mean, I. love. sepia. But I couldn't take myself seriously shooting everything like that-- that's why the color changes a few photos in.

I also couldn't help myself from taking a few color shots.

And now: Erin. She's beautiful. And nice. It's okay if you end up falling in love with her a little-- I know I did. She's going to school to be a nurse. Yup. That's right. A great face, a good personality, AND she wants a living looking at blood spurting out of bodies? She's pretty perfect. She's also quite adventures. If you need a Huck Finn, she's the one to call. I'll stop gushing and let you look at her great clothes and nice teeth.

This is the second before she realized there was a giant spider on the berries and threw them in my general direction.

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