July 14, 2011

Asheville, NC

Art. I love it. Even on bricks. Especially on garbage bins.

July 11, 2011

Oh, Bullocks.

Emily got married. How strange and wonderful. Emily was beautiful. The wedding was beautiful. I had so much fun being apart of the special day. Being surrounded by friends and family is probably one of the best atmospheres to be in. I laughed a lot.

It's so strange when friends you knew when you were young have grown up-- and the only time I can recognize this grownup-ness is when it's marked by a major occasion, such as a wedding. I'm so excited for her. She's starting such a big adventure, that lucky duck.

I love weddings. Especially when it's between people I really care about--the food tastes a little better, the shoes are a little less painful, the dancing is a little more interpretive. Oh, the dancing. If I could spend the rest of my days moving my feet around a wooden dance floor with red and blue mood lighting, I would.