Isn't it crazy how time flies by? I'm constantly reminded of this. Rachel is one of those reminders. I knew her back when we were both students at the Children's Theatre performing in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (yes, I was in the witch's army. No, we didn't win. Yes, I wore a 17" horn on my head.). It's been about 5 years since then, and it blows my mind. We went out for an hour and some change and, man, that time flew by. I wonder if it goes south for the winter.
Maybe posting this as the first picture isn't fair, but I love it so much. It makes me laugh out loud. I love catching the brief moments between poses.

* * *
I am the most tired. On a completely unrelated note, I've been stage managing a (mostly) middle school show for the past month-- The Love of Three Oranges-- and this was our performance weekend. It was an outdoor show with beautiful weather.
Working with kids is fun, but tiring. And it's so flattering when kids actually like you, when they think you're cool. I could care less if my peers think I'm cool, but when an awesome kid thinks so, I save those for rainy days.
I have inside jokes with 11 year olds.
I also love those moments when a kid gives you a peek into their future selves. Like, most of the time they're kids. Yelling. Making dumb jokes. Constantly repeating the same line from some YouTube video. And age is a big deal. But there will be these tiny moments when we become friends. Where I don't see them as a kid, and they don't see me as an adult. Those moments where I think, yeah, I'd be friends with you.
Working with kids is also different. It's so interesting because they aren't settled into who they will be one day. So, with a show like this, who knows when or if I'll ever see these kids again. But I really am interested in how they will turn out. It's so interesting to develop friendships with people, and then just release them. It's kind of sad, isn't it?
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