December 18, 2010

Genevieve Strauss

Genevieve loves to read. One fateful day she and her betrothed, whilst taking a turn on the river, drown. Being separated from her beloved in death, she searches for him in bookshops, hoping to find him there.

Oh, Robinia. That dress and those wings were made for each other. I love the tone of these pictures. There's something kind of dark about them. Can I just say that my friends might be the most beautiful? Not in a generic sense. But in a unique, interesting to look at, and really lovely inards kind of way. I mean, you can try to challenge me on this, but I'm pretty positive I'd win.

I had a pretty beautiful adventure already this weekend. I whipped out my 50mm Mamiya and I can't wait to get that film developed. It's full of birthdays, 3 legged fans, staying up to 3am giggling and snow-- what a surprise ending. Oh man. Snow. When it snows, I kind of bounce around like those dogs that gets on everyones nerves but is so darn cute that no one can actually act on their thoughts of killing the dog cause it's so darn cute and happy to be alive. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is... I love snow. This is the season when I'm most filled with love.

Isn't life good?

You know, one day I'd really love to have photoshop. That would rock my world.

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