May 25, 2013

I'm still alive!

Holy cow. It has been a long minute since I've posted anything on here. While I have taken some photos after my last post in January of 2012 (ouch), this hobby of mine has taken a back burner since my attempt at starting up a theatre company, Three Bone Theatre. While Three Bone is in the midst of it's third production, I feel it's time for some balance. I'm going to work harder to spend all my time wisely, instead of just some. Let's mark this as the beginning of a new year. My summer resolution.

And how coincidental that my last post ended with my dear friend, Rachel, and will now begin with my dear friend, Rachel. It's strange to think about how much has changed in a year and bit. But she still has bodacious red hair and eyes set to stun.


Be kind. I'm getting back in the saddle. More coming soon!