This has been a good weekend. I spent the majority of my time with the four things I love the most: music, theatre, friends, and taking pictures.
To start off an excellent weekend, I went to the Campbell concert and, boy oh boy, was it good. If you ever get the chance to see them: do it. You won't regret it. The stage had trees, the moon, stars, bright lights, rain and lovely melodies. They put on a great show. Hopefully they won't go too long before they entertain the masses again.
I ended up going through a rigorous casting process for A Christmas Carol that I'm stage managing. The cast is an even 24-- all under the age of 16. Whoa. I also called all of these kids to inform them of the good news. I spent so much time on the phone my teeth hurt.
Note to self: see dentist.
It was homecoming weekend at my undergrad school so I partook of some of the past times. Saw a great motown concert--it blew me away. I saw faces that I haven't seen in quite some time and other faces that I always feel like it's been quite some time since I've seen them. I caused some trouble, went on an adventure, looked through a kaleidoscope, went to sleep at 5am to wake up to a picnic on the lawn. It was a good time to say the least.
I headed back home to take pictures of Jacobi. He and I worked on a show, The Sunset Limited, over the summer. He's incredibly photogenic. He's a current student at NCSA. We took these right as the sun was going down.